QuickLinks are web representations of your asset. They are designed to be easily sent and viewed without the friction of constantly uploading and downloading. They also have the added benefit of reliable playback across browsers and devices. So, if you want to share your media with someone else, this is the endpoint for doing just that!
// Example Request Payload
"targetObjectId": "54X3X7X4X4X05X0612XX8X3X",
"emailShare": {
"audience": [
"firstName": "Mike",
"lastName": "Matthews",
"email": "mike@example.com",
"userId": "X9XXX6AXX-XX8X-0X5X-X11X61X4X7354668"
"subject": "io9.mov",
"message": "Hey Mike! Check this out!"
// Example Share Object
"targetObjectId": "54X3X7X4X4X05X0612XX8X3X",
"emailShare": {
"audience": [
"firstName": "Mike",
"lastName": "Matthews",
"email": "mike@example.com",
"userId": "X9XXX6AXX-XX8X-0X5X-X11X61X4X7354668"
"subject": "io9.mov",
"message": "He Mike! Check this out!"
"created": 1421080587296,
"sharedBy": "X9XXX6AXX-XX8X-0X5X-X11X61X4X7354668",
"sharedByFirstName": "Simon",
"sharedByLastName": "Smith",
"sharedByEmail": "simon@example.com"
Make Sure To Include The Email!
Be sure to include the "emailShare" object in your request payload. Its details are shown in the example above. Without it, we don't know who to notify about your QuickLink.
Check Your Email
Each time your QuickLink is viewed we'll send you an email. We track all kinds of useful information related to a users interaction with your QuickLink. You can see all of this information in the analytics page of the QuickLink by clicking "activity" in the top menu of your QuickLink.
For public QuickLinks, the owner of the QuickLink can share it with any email address if they have the SHARING.EXTERNAL permission. For private QuickLinks, the owner can share with any user with a MediaSilo account as long as the owner has any sharing permission.