How Ratings work in MediaSilo
MediaSilo contains the ability for users to rate assets that they have access to.
Ratings are on an integer scale from 1-5 inclusive. Authenticated users can submit their rating of an asset and see all ratings that other users have submitted.
MediaSilo automatically computes the average rating on an asset, which appears in the "averageRating" on the asset object. All ratings are weighted equally in this average.
All users who can view an asset are able to see the average rating, but a user is required to have a role with COLLABORATION/RATE permission to submit a rating or view individual ratings for assets within a project.
"owner": {
"id": "11E2F04C-FF3C-56DA-59F43029C949095A",
"firstName": "Jared",
"lastName": "User",
"userName": "jared",
"tags": [],
"email": "",
"dateCreated": 1462545946000,
"rating": 4
Rating Endpoint Response
Data Point | Description |
owner | User info for the person who submitted the rating |
dateCreated | The date the user submitted a rating |
rating | The user's rating, on a scale of 1-5, integers only |
"approvalStatus": "pending",
"archiveStatus": "n/a",
"averageRating": 4,
"commentCount": 2,
"dateCreated": 1410902367000,
"dateModified": 1412880990000,
"derivatives": [
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"height": 1080,
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"posterFrame": "",
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"streamer": "rtmp://",
"type": "rtmp",
"url": "709352581VSEJ/..."
"streamer": "rtmpt://",
"type": "rtmpt",
"url": "709352581VSEJ..."
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"folderId": null,
"id": "80559D7F-F3B5-06D6-78A4434B69BAA8FF",
"myRating": null,
"permissions": [
"posterFrame": "",
"private": false,
"progress": 100,
"projectId": "A3C149F7-C48A-F55F-A5060AAFDE60233D",
"tags": [
"title": "A033_C381_0705QE_4K169.mp4",
"transcriptStatus": "N/A",
"type": "video",
"uploadedBy": "demo"
Asset Endpoint Response
Data Point | Description |
averageRating | The average rating from all users who have submitted ratings for the asset |
myRating | Not currently used. Use the /ratings endpoint to query for individual user ratings. |