Facets / Filters

MediaSilo can return standard search facets to make navigating large data sets easy. To return facets, simply add the query parameter: includeAggregates=true.

GET /v3/assets?_pageSize=100&_page=1&_includeAggregates=true

The response object differs from the default asset response object since it now wraps assets as entities. See example below:

  "total": 4614,
  "aggregates": {
    "tags": [
        "total": 324,
        "url": "url-to-new-search",
        "key": "ocean"
    "uploadedBy": [
        "total": 3523,
        "url": "url-to-new-search",
        "key": "kaipradel"
    "approvalStatus": [
        "total": 4455,
        "url": "url-to-new-search",
        "key": "none"
    "type": [
        "total": 2666,
        "url": "url-to-new-search",
        "key": "video"
  "entities": [

Each aggregate contains a total number of assets found for a specific facet, a self-documenting URL that can be passed to the api directly, and a key.

Aggregate NameDescription
tagsAny tag used on an asset. Note that MediaSilo breaks tags down. For Example: "Location Shots Season 7" would be broken down into Location, Shots, Season, 7. This allows a user to search for individual works and provides more flexibility with tags.
uploadedByUser ids of the user who uploaded content.
approvalStatusNon, Pending, Rejected
typevideo, image, archive, video, document