Create User

Creates a new user

Users are at the core of all MediaSilo applications. In addition to containing a user's name, address and contact information, the User object contains an array of Roles that enable a user to perform certain tasks within the scope of an Account or Project, and an array of Tags that can be used to group, sort and filter user lists.


Users must be assigned to projects to access assets

All assets are organized into projects, and a user must be assigned to a project to work with the assets within it. Once your user has been created, you will need to assign them to a project in order for the user to access MediaSilo functionality.

// Sample payload for creating a user
    "userName": "johndoe",
    "password": "Ch@ng3dP@ssw0rd!",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "company": "MediaSilo",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "555 444 3333",
    "mobile": "555 222 1111",
    "address": {
        "address1": "123 Main Street",
        "address2": "Suite 456",
        "city": "Boston",
        "province": "MA",
        "postalCode": "02111",
        "country": "United States"
    "sso": true,
    "ssoId": "mySsoId",
    "defaultRoleTemplateId": "448aeb72-4a5d-4b76-b3bb-fa5935f47244"


userNamestringOptional. Must be unique. May only contain letters, numbers, periods, dashes, underscores and @ symbols.
passwordstringOptional. Must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one number, one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one special character: -+_!@#$%^&*,. For security, your password cannot contain your username.
addressstringOptional. See below for description of address object.
ssobooleanOptional. Set to true if user should log in via Single Sign-On (SSO).
ssoIdstringOptional. Used in conjunction with the sso field to store the SSO identifier for the user.
defaultRoleTemplateIdstringOptional. ID of the default Role Template to use when user is added to a Project.

Address Properties

address1stringStreet address.
address2stringAdditional line used for apartment, suite or floor number.
citystringName of the city.
provincestringName of the state or province.
postalCodestringPostal code of the mailing address.
countrystringName of the contry
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